Saturday, September 10, 2011

I received my Cookie Lee Jewelry

I received my Cookie Lee Jewelry.  It is beautiful.  It looks even better in person.  I want to keep it all for myself, but that would not make me any extra income.  So, let's see how it goes..

Go check out the website and see the great stuff.  Remember, it looks even better in person!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cookie Lee Jewelry Consultant - A new Adventure - Started While Divorcing - New Focus - New Income

I moved out from my husband as we are in the divorce at the moment.  Divorce is not fun, it causes sadness and worries.  Money worries are often a big focus.  The day after I moved out I met a girl who was in a networking group.  I have had my own business for over 16 years.  I have never joined a networking group. 

I  met her 12 hours after I moved out.  I met her in my new complex I moved to.  It just happen to be we also work in the same building and she has been wanting to meet me.  She said that the network meetings met right across the street from where we lived.  How perfect.  I saw this as when life closes one door (my married life) it opens another.

I met the people in the group. The were all very nice and all sincerely helps everyone with their businesses.  There is a lovely lady in the group that sales Cookie Lee Jewelry.  Once I met her and saw how great the Cookie Lee Jewelry was I wondered if I could make extra income becoming a Cookie Lee Consultant as well as it will help her business by me signing up under her.

I run my personal training &  boot camp business full time.  I was married for almost 5 years.  I was very sick for several of those years.  I am just getting my health back, and working my training business 6 days a week.  I decided to add the Cookie Lee Jewelry part time when I can to make extra money to take the stress of money and being on my own again off of me.

I am set to go.
 You can order the Cookie Lee beautiful jewelry online and have it sent right to your home. Easy.  It is great looking in the catalog and even better in person.
You can sign up as a consultant to just get 50% discount on all the great jewelry or you can become a consultant and earn 50% gross profit.  there are no monthly minimums, so whether you are a busy mom, a full-time working person, going through changes and divorce or happily single or married or you are just a woman who loves jewelry, you can choose the business opportunity that fits your lifestyle.
So, here it is my new adventure.  Working through all  my sadness and loss of a husband, a house that just sold and my 2 step daughters that I have know for over 6 years. My heart is so broke and sad.  I cried in my sleep last night.  UG..... many of us have been there.
Here is to meeting new woman with goals and making more income and looking nicer with pretty jewelry to wear!!
Wish me good luck and abundance and JOY!!